This is my daddy and this is my daddy
Alright, there are so many aspects of this topic that grate the wrong way with me that I’m going to apologise in advance if this post bounces all over the place a little bit. I promise that I will try my hardest to keep it coherent and stop it from devolving into a crazy rant… hand on heart.
Now before I go on I want to make a distinction in terms. When I refer to religion or to ‘the Church’ I am not referring to the collective peoples that make up that religion or that particular church. I know that the vast majority of the people who are part of these religions are amazing, caring, selfless people. When I refer to these institutions I am referring to just that, the religious institution and political unit which does operate within the church. The Australian Christian lobby is a political actor, the Catholic Church is a political actor. It is essential to understand this...